

  • Scituate is a town in Plymouth County.
  • It was settled in 1627 and incorporated in 1636.
  • The town has a rich history as a fishing and shipbuilding community, and played a role in the American Revolution.
  • It has over 19,000 residents.
  • The name Scituate is derived from “satuit“, the Wampanoag term for cold brook.
  • Scituate has the quintessential New England coastal downtown with great restaurants, shops and bars.
  • Some things to see in Scituate- the Scituate Lighthouse, the Maritime & Irish Mossing Museum, the Lawson Tower, the Widow’s Walk Golf Course, and the Scituate Harbor.
  • Scituate is home to Minot Beach, Sand Hills Beach, and Peggotty Beach.
  • There are 4 elementary schools in Scituate: Hatherly Elementary School, Cushing Elementary School, Wampatuck Elementary School and Jenkins Elementary School serve grades K–5.
  • Additionally, Lester J. Gates Middle School and Scituate High School.
  • The school mascot are the Sailors and the school colors are blue, white and black.